Dry matter accumulation, yield, and nutritional quality of forage of corn hybrids harvested at different days after sowing


  • Diego Eduardo Ramírez Gutiérrez Centro Universitario de los Altos - Universidad de Guadalajara
  • José Jesús Olmos Colmenero Centro Universitario de los Altos - Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Alfonso Peña Ramos Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias
  • Juan Isidro Sánchez Duarte Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias
  • Ernesto Medina Núñez Escuela Nacional de Lechería Sustentable SPR de RL
  • Siliviano Gallardo Ramírez Proteína Animal S.A. de C.V.
  • Omar Ivan Santana Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias




Starch, Corn silage, Dairy cow


The objective was to evaluate the dry matter (DM) accumulation by component, yield, and nutritional composition of forage of four corn hybrids harvested at 121, 128, 135 and 142 d after sowing. In each harvest, five plants were randomly taken and separated into their components (stem, leaves, grain, cob, bracts, and tassel) and DM was determined; chemical composition and in-situ digestibility were analyzed in a composite sample of a whole plant. The accumulation of grain in the total DM increased from 35.8 to 43.9 % from 121 to 142 d to harvest, respectively, and diluted the other components, especially the proportion of stem and leaves, which decreased inversely proportional to the accumulation of grain. Total DM content differed between hybrids, from 3.8 and up to 8.3 percentage units on the same days to harvest. Nonetheless, the hybrid did not affect DM yield or grain production, increasing by 2.1 and 1.4 t ha-1 between harvests, respectively. NDF content decreased and starch increased (both linearly), affecting net energy for lactation, which increased from 1.49 to 1.56 Mcal kg-1 from 121 to 142 d to harvest, respectively. The interaction between days to harvest and hybrid affected starch content, which was 5.2 units higher in a hybrid with similar NFC and NDF content than its counterparts. DM, NDF and starch digestibilities were affected by the hybrid, but not by the days to harvest.


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How to Cite

Ramírez Gutiérrez, D. E., Olmos Colmenero, J. J., Peña Ramos, A., Sánchez Duarte, J. I., Medina Núñez, E., Gallardo Ramírez, S., & Santana, O. I. (2024). Dry matter accumulation, yield, and nutritional quality of forage of corn hybrids harvested at different days after sowing. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Pecuarias, 15(2), 287–301. https://doi.org/10.22319/rmcp.v15i2.6554
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