The effect of hesperidin added to quail diets on blood gas, serum biochemistry and Hsp70 in heat stress


  • Abdullah Özbilgin Sivas Cumhuriyet University Veterinary Faculty, Department of Animal Nutrition and Nutritional Disorders. Sivas, Turkey.
  • Aykut Özgür Gaziosmanpaşa University. Artova Vocational School. Laboratory and Veterinary Health Program. Tokat, Turkey.
  • Onur Başbuğ Sivas Cumhuriyet University. Department of Veterinary Internal Medicine. Veterinary Medicine Faculty. Sivas, Turkey.


Palabras clave:

Flavonoid, Quail, Thermoneutral, Heat shock protein, Hesperidin


The aim of this study was to determine the effects of flavonoid, which is a product of citrus production, on blood parameters and HSP 70 concentration in quails applied at thermoneutral and heat stress. In this study, 160 quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica, male), 6 wk old and 150-200 g live weight, were housed in cages for 1 wk of exercise and 5 wk of trial period. The study design consists of 4 groups of 40 animals and 4 subgroups with 10 animals in each group. Thermoneutral (24 ± 0.1 o C) groups are NC (0 g hesperidin/kg basal feed) and NHES3 (3 g hesperidin /kg basal feed) and heat stress (34 ± 0.1 oC) groups are HC (0 g hesperidin/kg basal feed) and HHES3 (3 g hesperidin /kg basal feed) were randomly generated. In the case of heat stress, pO2, pH, HCO3, Cl concentrations decreased in the HHES3 group compared to the HC group (P<0.05). ALP enzyme concentration showed a significant decrease in the HHES3 group compared to the HC group in the heat stress condition. Heat shock protein (HSP70) protein level increased in blood serum, kidney, liver and thigh tissues in HC group with cellular stress during heat stress; however, HSP70 concentration decreased significantly in the HHES3 group. As a result, positive effects of hesperidin supplementation in the diet were found in both heat stress and thermoneutral conditions.


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Cómo citar

Özbilgin, A., Özgür, A., & Başbuğ, O. (2023). The effect of hesperidin added to quail diets on blood gas, serum biochemistry and Hsp70 in heat stress. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Pecuarias, 14(4), 836–854.
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