Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) in animal production: Review


  • Larissa Luísa Schumacher Federal University of Santa Maria. Department of Animal Science. Santa Maria, Brazil.
  • Julio Viégas Federal University of Santa Maria. Department of Animal Science. Santa Maria, Brazil.
  • Gilmar dos Santos Cardoso Federal University of Santa Maria. Department of Animal Science. Santa Maria, Brazil.
  • Anderson Bertoluzzi Moro Federal University of Santa Maria. Department of Animal Science. Santa Maria, Brazil.
  • Tiago João Tonin Federal University of Santa Maria. Department of Animal Science. Santa Maria, Brazil.
  • Stela Naetzold Pereira Federal University of Santa Maria. Department of Animal Science. Santa Maria, Brazil.
  • Leonardo Tombesi da Rocha Federal University of Santa Maria. Department of Animal Science. Santa Maria, Brazil.
  • Ana Luiza Van Caeneghen Federal University of Santa Maria. Department of Animal Science. Santa Maria, Brazil.
  • Janaína Vargas Teixeira Federal University of Santa Maria. Department of Animal Science. Santa Maria, Brazil.


Palabras clave:

Body composition, Impedance, Technology, Zootechnical production


Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) is a method based on the different levels of opposition to the flow of an ionic current through the different body tissues. Results are expressed by primary measures of resistance (Rs) and reactance (Xs). From such measures, equations are applied to determine the phase angle (PA) and impedance (Z). Bioimpedance analysis has been indicated as a reliable and precise method to determine the body composition and nutritional status in humans. BIA has recently been adapted to be applied on animal production. Therefore, the aim of this review is to provide an analysis on the potential use of bioelectrical impedance on zootechnical production. Through BIA, correlations among bioelectrical measures and tissue composition of swine, bovine, ovine, bubaline and fish carcasses can be established. In this regard, a growing number of demands were led by more precise and cost-effective methods to evaluate the body composition in the zootechnical sector, in which the analysis of bioelectrical impedance proved to be a promising and minimally invasive technology to replace traditional methods. 


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Biografía del autor/a

Larissa Luísa Schumacher, Federal University of Santa Maria. Department of Animal Science. Santa Maria, Brazil.

Department of Animal Science


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Cómo citar

Schumacher, L. L., Viégas, J., dos Santos Cardoso, G., Bertoluzzi Moro, A., João Tonin, T., Naetzold Pereira, S., … Vargas Teixeira, J. (2021). Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) in animal production: Review. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Pecuarias, 12(2), 553–572.
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