Influence of the apiarist managerial capacity on viability of beekeeping production units on the Pampa Argentina


  • Tomás Bragulat Departamento de Producción Animal. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. General Pico, Argentina.
  • Elena Angón Departamento de Producción Animal. Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad de Córdoba. Campus Rabanales 14071 Córdoba, España.
  • Antón García Departamento de Producción Animal. Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad de Córdoba. Campus Rabanales 14071 Córdoba, España.
  • Alberto Giorgis Departamento de Producción Animal. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. General Pico, Argentina.
  • Cecilio Barba Departamento de Producción Animal. Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad de Córdoba. Campus Rabanales 14071 Córdoba, España.
  • José Perea Departamento de Producción Animal. Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad de Córdoba. Campus Rabanales 14071 Córdoba, España.



Beekeeping, Management, Decision-making process.


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of managerial capacity on the economic viability of beekeeping production units in La Pampa (Argentina). Eighty (80) production units were selected by means of simple random sampling. Direct interviews with the beekeeper gave information during the period 2011-2013. It was analysed 26 variables related to managerial capacity, farm features and social aspects of the beekeeper. The production units were divided into viable or unviable regarding their ability to generate profits. A logistic regression model determined variables related to the viability of the farms and their functioning. Results showed the average dimension of the production units does not reach optimum levels to improve the economic viability. There was a low level of performance of managerial capacity, with a considerable effect of the decision-making process based on economic information (OR= 8.063) and farming records (OR= 6.990) on the economic performance.


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How to Cite

Bragulat, T., Angón, E., García, A., Giorgis, A., Barba, C., & Perea, J. (2017). Influence of the apiarist managerial capacity on viability of beekeeping production units on the Pampa Argentina. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Pecuarias, 9(1), 32–47.
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