Evaluation of clinical, radiological, ultrasonographic and microbiological findings of septic arthritis in 50 calves
https://doi.org/10.22319/rmcp.v10i1.4727Palabras clave:
Arthritis, Calf, Clinic, Microbiology, Radiology, UltrasonographyResumen
In this study, it was aimed to evaluate clinical, radiological, ultrasonographic and microbiological findings of calves with septic arthritis. Study material consisted of 50 calves with arthritis in different stocks and gender and aged between 4 to 150 d, brought to the clinic between 2016 and 2017 with lameness complaint. After obtaining medical histories, physical and microbiological examinations of calves’ clinical, radiographic, ultrasonographic, synovial samples were conducted. Clinically, monoarthritis was detected in 37 calves and polyarthritis was detected in 13 calves. Most of the lesions were observed in carpal and tarsal joints. In radiography results, increased opacity was found in joints with arthritis, intraarticular narrowing and degeneration on joint surface. In ultrasonographic examinations, the hyperechogenic heterogeneous appearance of synovial fluid and a smooth and apparent hyperechoic joint capsule in articular cartilage surface were observed in 43 cases. Most commonly, Staphylococcus aureus was detected in 13 cases, Trueperella pyogenes was detected in 8 cases, Streptococcus pluranimalium was detected in 8 cases, Mycoplasma bovis was detected in 5 cases, Escherichia coli was detected in 5 cases, Saprophyte spp. was detected in 1 case and Acinetobacter spp. was detected in 1 case in microbiological examination of synovial fluid. In conclusion, the together evaluation of clinical, radiological, ultrasonographic and microbiological findings in the diagnosis of septic arthritis, which is frequently encountered in calves and which causes serious economic losses with high mortality rates, would be a more effective approach for clinical practitioners in terms of treatment and prognosis.
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