Correlations between behavior in corrals and the bullring in Lidia breed bulls
Behavior, Lidia breed, EthologyAbstract
The value of fighting bulls (Lidia breed) is quantified based on their behavior in the bullring. Predicting this behavior is challenging because the heritability of behavior patterns is unknown and their interpretation subjective. An analysis was done of the possible relationship between bull behavior during pre-bullfight handling (unloading, first and second veterinary examinations) and during the bullfight. Behavioral parameter data was recorded for 200 adult bulls during pre-bullfight handling and the bullfight. Among the six genetic lines in the sample, the Santa Coloma and Albaserrada lines exhibited the highest values for mobility, aggressiveness, respiratory rate, and fight rate. Correlations were identified between some behaviors in pre-bullfight handling and others during the bullfight. Mobility during unloading and the first examination was positively correlated with Exit speed in the opening, Focus on banderillero (lancer on foot) in the second period of the bullfight and Determination in the third period. In contrast, aggressiveness during unloading was negatively correlated with mobility parameters during the second and third periods. No differences between animals were observed during the second examination, indicating that bulls quickly adapted to the corrals. The results suggest that some aspects of bull behavior prior to the bullfight can provide valuable information to bullfighters and breeders.
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