Key factors influencing the sale of bulls in livestock auctions


  • Giovana Tagliari Evangelista Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Departamento de Zootecnia. Rio Grande do Sul. Brasil.
  • Jusecléia Ferreira Lopes Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Departamento de Zootecnia. Rio Grande do Sul. Brasil.
  • Giordano Bruno Fornar Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Departamento de Zootecnia. Rio Grande do Sul. Brasil.
  • Ricardo Pedroso Oaigen Universidade Federal do Pampa. Rio Grande do Sul. Brasil.
  • Thaís Lopes Gonçalves Universidade Federal do Pampa. Rio Grande do Sul. Brasil.
  • Tamara Esteves de Oliveira Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Departamento de Zootecnia. Rio Grande do Sul. Brasil.
  • Luís Kluwe de Aguiar Harper Adams University, Department of Food Science. Newport, United Kingdom.
  • Júlio Otávio Jardim Barcellos Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Departamento de Zootecnia. Rio Grande do Sul. Brasil.


Palabras clave:

Breed, Bulls, Livestock Auction, Marketing, Price


This research determines which factors most influence the purchase price of bulls in livestock auctions in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil. Hence, 760 beef bulls sold in eleven different auctions between August and November 2013 were analysed. The data consists of: breed, muscularity (MUSC), frame (FRAME), body condition score (BCS), scrotal circumference (SC) and body weight (BW). Other data such as the animal entry order and the purchase price of the bulls was collected during the auction. A linear generalized model was used to evaluate the interaction of each variable with the purchase price of the bulls. An ANOVA with Tukey post-hoc was used to compare the differences between the categories that influenced the purchase price of bulls and were realized in the software SPSS 20.0. All breeds presented declining prices from the first to the second entry order and increasing purchase prices from the order third to forth. Bulls with large frame received higher purchase prices independent of the auction order, except for the second order of entry, in which medium and small animals were more valued. Angus bulls obtained the highest prices in relation to the breeds Brangus and Hereford. The frame and breed constituted the main phenotypic characteristics that influence in price. In addition, the order of entry of bulls in the ring influence the purchase price.


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Biografía del autor/a

Giovana Tagliari Evangelista, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Departamento de Zootecnia. Rio Grande do Sul. Brasil.

Department of Animal Science

Jusecléia Ferreira Lopes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Departamento de Zootecnia. Rio Grande do Sul. Brasil.

Department of Animal Science

Giordano Bruno Fornar, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Departamento de Zootecnia. Rio Grande do Sul. Brasil.

Department of Animal Science

Tamara Esteves de Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Departamento de Zootecnia. Rio Grande do Sul. Brasil.

Department of Animal Science

Luís Kluwe de Aguiar, Harper Adams University, Department of Food Science. Newport, United Kingdom.

Department of Food Science



Cómo citar

Tagliari Evangelista, G., Ferreira Lopes, J., Bruno Fornar, G., Pedroso Oaigen, R., Lopes Gonçalves, T., Esteves de Oliveira, T., … Jardim Barcellos, J. O. (2019). Key factors influencing the sale of bulls in livestock auctions. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Pecuarias, 10(3), 610–622.
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