Inclusion of concentrate and growth promoters additives in sheep diets on intake, digestibility, degradability, ruminal variables and nitrogen balance



Palabras clave:

bambermycin, flavomycin, monensin, ruminants, Salinomycin


This study evaluated the inclusion of concentrate and monensin, salinomycin and flavomycin in sheep diets on intake, digestibility, in situ degradability, ruminal variables and nitrogen balance. Five sheep in a latin square received the treatments: HAY (hay only), CONT (hay + concentrate), MON (hay + concentrate + monensin), SALI (hay + concentrate + salinomycin), and FLAV (hay + concentrate + flavomycin). Hay was offered ad libitum, concentrate, 20 g kg-1 of body weight (BW), and additives, 0.75 mg kg-1 of BW. The treatments with the concentrate (CONT, MON, SALI and FLAV) showed increased (P≤0.05) on intake, digestibility, total VFA, propionate and butyrate proportions, N-NH3, and nitrogen balance, and decreased (P≤0.05) DM and NDF degradability, acetate proportion, acetate:propionate ratio, and rumen pH compared to the HAY. The comparison between the outcome effects from additives with the CONT showed that the acetate proportion and acetate:propionate ratio was only reduced by MON (P≤0.05). MON and SALI increased (P≤0.05) the propionate proportion. The proportion of butyrate was increased with the inclusion of FLAV and reduced with MON and SALI. Only MON reduced the production of N-NH3 (P≤0.05). Other variables showed no effects from additives (P>0.05) in relation to the CONT. The inclusion of the concentrate in sheep diets caused alterations on intake, digestibility, ruminal variables (VFA, pH, and N-NH3) and nitrogen balance. However, the additives only altered the ruminal variables (VFA and N-NH3) and the greatest effects were observed with MON.


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Cómo citar

Vedovatto, M., da Silva Pereira, C., Marin Beltrame, J. A., Cortada Neto, I. M., de Lucca Bento, A. L., Dalla Martha, G. de O., … Franco, G. L. (2020). Inclusion of concentrate and growth promoters additives in sheep diets on intake, digestibility, degradability, ruminal variables and nitrogen balance. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Pecuarias, 11(1), 132–152.
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