Microsilages elephant grass BRS Capiaçu added with commercial microbial consortium on different days of regrowth


  • Allan Stênio da Silva Santos Federal University of Piaui
  • Daniel Louçana da Costa Araújo Federal University of Piaui
  • Ivone Rodrigues da Silva Federal University of Piaui
  • Matheus Sousa Araújo Federal University of Piaui
  • Arnaud Azevêdo Alves Federal University of Piaui
  • Henrique Nunes Parente Federal University of Maranhão
  • Maria Elizabete de Oliveira Federal University of Piauí
  • João Batista Lopes Federal University of Piauí



Palabras clave:

Biological inputs, Pennisetum purpureum, low-quality pastures


This study aimed to evaluate whether bacterial inoculation improves the fermentative, microbiological, and chemical characteristics of silages of the elephant grass cv. BRS Capiaçu on different regrowth days. The experimental design was completely randomized and set up in a 3x2 factorial arrangement (three regrowth days, with and without inoculant), with four replications. There was a significant interaction between the regrowth days and inoculant on the pH, ammoniacal nitrogen (N-NH3), and effluent losses (EL) of the silages. Inoculation decreased the EL with the advance of regrowth days and increased the dry matter recovery index compared to the silages without inoculant. The population of molds and yeasts decreased when inoculation was adopted to the forage harvested after 85 d. There was a significant interaction between the dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP) and neutral detergent fiber corrected for ash and protein (NDFap) contents of the silages. Inoculation in the grass harvested after 85 d increased the DM contents of the silage. The highest CP contents were observed in the silages after 85 d. The NDFap contents of the grasses harvested after 110 and 135 d were higher than those of the grass harvested after 85 d. The NDFap contents of the silages without inoculant increased with the harvest age. The BRS Capiaçu forage silage harvested at 110 d demonstrated favorable performance for silage production. However, the influence of inoculant use was low for the characteristics evaluated.


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Cómo citar

da Silva Santos, A. S., da Costa Araújo, D. L., Rodrigues da Silva, I., Sousa Araújo , M., Azevêdo Alves, A., Nunes Parente , H., … Batista Lopes , J. (2024). Microsilages elephant grass BRS Capiaçu added with commercial microbial consortium on different days of regrowth. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Pecuarias, 15(1), 32–48. https://doi.org/10.22319/rmcp.v15i1.6379
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