Nutrient concentrations, in vitro digestibility and rumen fermentation of agro-industrial residues of Cannabis sativa L. as a potential forage source for ruminants
DOI: clave:
Hemp, Methane, Degradability, Ruminal fermentation, Gas production kineticsResumen
This study aimed to determine the concentration of CP, EE, NSC, fibers, TPC, CT, CBD, THC, in vitro digestibility of dry matter and rumen fermentation parameters of agroindustrial residues of Cannabis sativa L. from two extractive processes of cannabinoids, as a potential source of forage in ruminants feeding. The flower of Cannabis sativa was exposed to cold-press extraction (CPC) and alcoholic extraction (AEC) process; vegetative residues obtained after extractions were compared to raw flower as a control (RFC) using a completely randomized design and Tukey’s test for means comparison. Extractive processes decreased EE, TPC and cannabinoids (CBD and THC). Otherwise, fibers, NSC and digestibility, increased after the extractive processes in CPC and AEC. Similarly, in vitro degradability increased after both extractive processes above 120 % as well as latency period. Additionally, protozoa increased with CPC but no changes were observed in AEC. Likewise, no changes were observed in cellulolytic bacteria in CPC and AEC. However, total bacteria were reduced after both extractions. Moreover, N-ammonia in ruminal fermentations decreased with CPC and AEC whereas total volatile fatty acids increased. In addition, gas production increased above 75 % in CPC and AEC; however, no changes were observed in latency period. Furthermore, methane and CO2 production increased above 80 and 60 %, respectively for CPC and AEC; these augmentations are positively associated with improvements in the ruminal fermentations. In conclusions, the agroindustrial residue of Cannabis sativa L. obtained after the analyzed extractive processes may arise as a potential forage source in ruminants feeding.
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