Effect of weight and body condition score from pregnant cows on the carcass characteristics of their progeny: Meta-analysis


  • Sander Martinho Adams Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Laboratório de Bovinocultura de Corte. Av. Roraima nº 1000 Cidade Universitária, Camobi, Santa Maria - RS, Brazil. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4895-8237
  • John Lenon Klein Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Laboratório de Bovinocultura de Corte. Av. Roraima nº 1000 Cidade Universitária, Camobi, Santa Maria - RS, Brazil. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8337-4152
  • Diego Soares Machado Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia Farroupilha – Alegrete. Brazil. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2406-280X
  • Dari Celestino Alves Filho Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Laboratório de Bovinocultura de Corte. Av. Roraima nº 1000 Cidade Universitária, Camobi, Santa Maria - RS, Brazil. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2559-7504
  • Ivan Luiz Brondani Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Laboratório de Bovinocultura de Corte. Av. Roraima nº 1000 Cidade Universitária, Camobi, Santa Maria - RS, Brazil. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6526-3042
  • Luiz Angelo Damian Pizzuti Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Laboratório de Bovinocultura de Corte. Av. Roraima nº 1000 Cidade Universitária, Camobi, Santa Maria - RS, Brazil. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1153-5698



Palabras clave:

Beef cows, Marbling. Steers, Subcutaneous fat


The objective of the meta-analysis was to evaluate the effects of beef cows weight variation during the 2nd and / or 3rd trimester pregnancy on some parameters of the progeny carcass. The cow weight gain during this gestational period was calculated to standardize the treatments: moderate loss (ML= cows that lost 0 to 5 % of weight) and moderate gain (MG= cows that gained 0 to 5 % of weight). The effect size for all parameters was calculated as medium difference (MD) with a 95% confidence interval and heterogeneity determined using the Q test and the I2 statistic. A random effects meta-analysis was performed for each indicator separately as the medium control and experimental groups. The cow’s weight variation during the studied time variation did not influence the progeny carcass characteristics (P>0.05). Although, a trend towards greater hot carcass weight (P=0.15) and thickness of subcutaneous fat (P=0.10) was observed in calves from MG cows in relation to calves from ML cows. However, the meta-analysis demonstrated that small variations in cow weight during the final half of pregnancy do not affect progeny carcass characteristics.


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Cómo citar

Adams, S. M., Klein, J. L., Machado, D. S., Alves Filho, D. C., Brondani, I. L., & Pizzuti, L. A. D. (2022). Effect of weight and body condition score from pregnant cows on the carcass characteristics of their progeny: Meta-analysis. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Pecuarias, 13(4), 981–994. https://doi.org/10.22319/rmcp.v13i4.6065
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