Chemical and biological additives in high moisture triticale silages: Nutritional value and ingestive behavior in sheep
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Sodium benzoate, Nutritional quality, Aerobic stability, Enzyme-bacterial inoculant, UreaResumen
Triticale high moisture grain triticale silage is an excellent option for ruminant diets, but loss control during its fermentation process should be further investigated. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of chemical and biological additives on high moisture triticale silages under chemical-bromatological composition, aerobic stability, and in vivo digestibility and ingestive behavior in sheep. The treatments were: high moisture triticale silage without additive (HMTC); high moisture triticale silage with enzyme-bacterial inoculant (HMTEB); high moisture triticale silage with 0.5 % urea in natural matter (HMTU); and high moisture triticale silage with 1.5 % sodium benzoate in natural matter (HMTSB). Four sheep were housed in appropriate metabolic cages according to the ethical principles of animal experimentation. The addition of urea as additive to high moisture triticale silage provided an increase in crude protein and ammoniacal silage (189.7 and 106.2 g kg MS-1, respectively) but did not affect digestibility (699.6 g kg MS-1 for HMTU, with a general average of treatments of 687.5 g kg MS-1) and ingestive behavior of sheep. Fiber consumption by sheep increased with the addition of the enzyme-bacterial additive in the silage (431.87 versus 388.06 g d-1 of FDN for HMTEB and HMTC, respectively). All additives helped to preserve crude protein contents after silo opening, but none interfered in aerobic stability time of silage.
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