Evaluation of two supplemental zilpaterol hydrochloride sources on meat quality and carcass traits of crossbred Bos indicus bulls in the tropics
https://doi.org/10.22319/rmcp.v12i1.5408Palabras clave:
Zilpaterol hydrochloride, Generic, Yield grade, Quality grade, Carcass, Beef, Bos indicusResumen
It was studied the effect of two zilpaterol hydrochloride (ZH) brands on carcass and meat quality traits of crossbred Bos indicus young bulls under tropical conditions. The patented ZH formulation (Zilmax®, ZHp) and a generic brand (Zipamix®, ZHg) were added to the feed (6 ppm) for 30 d before slaughter. Animals (n= 288) were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 diets, with 32 animals per pen and 3 replicates, for a total of 96 bulls per treatment: 1) basal diet without ZH (Control), 2) basal diet supplemented with Zipamix® at 6 ppm in the diet, as fed-basis (ZHg), and 3) basal diet supplemented with Zilmax® at the same concentration in the feed (ZHp). Carcass yield traits were significantly improved by ZH supplementation. Carcasses of ZH-treated bulls were 6-9 kg heavier (P=0.0023) and produced about 8-10 kg more of lean tissue (P<0.0001) as compared to the Control group. Carcass quality traits were less affected by ZH supplementation. Among meat quality attributes, ultimate pH of ZHg (5.81) and ZHp (5.89) was higher (P=0.0022) than that of the Control (5.78). Results showed both ZH brands, when administered for 30 d before slaughter, as recommended by the manufacturer, improve most carcass yield traits without compromising carcass or meat quality attributes. Hence, tropical beef producers may use the ZH formulation of lowest cost to improve their productivity.
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