Identification of candidate genes for reproductive traits in cattle using a functional interaction network approach
DOI: clave:
bovine, molecular markers, semen quality, ubiquitylationResumen
Reproduction is a key element in cattle production systems. Systems biology approaches, including those involving gene networks, have been applied to genetic dissection complex phenotypes in cattle. A set of 385 genes associated with reproductive traits in cattle were included in a protein-protein network analysis to identify and prioritize candidate genes related to phenotypic differences in cattle reproduction. Genes belonging to the ubiquitin family - Ubiquitin C (Ubc, Gene ID: 444874) and Ubiquitin B (Ubb, Gene ID: 281370) -had the highest probability of being associated with these traits in cattle. Both proteins were identified as important hubs in a protein-protein interaction network, each having 3,775 interactions of 3,856 possible. Resequencing of the Ubb gene coding region to evaluate the presence of SNPs in a discovery population identified the G/T (rs110366695) transversion. This causes emergence of a stop codon and a protein truncated by 287 aa. The allelic frequency distributions found in two beef cattle breeds highlight the promise of further research into the effects of protein truncation and the potential of these proteins as molecular markers for semen quality.
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